Enchanting Technologies is a series of applied research projects addressing the need for a new approach to digital engagement within the Expressive Arts Curriculum, due to be implemented in schools across Wales from 2019.
The first phase of Enchanting Technologies encompasses a series of Digital Imagining Workshops, funded through FabCre8, undertaken with teachers and heath care professionals working within Special Education contexts throughout Wales. The overarching aim of the Digital Imagining workshops will be to consider co-production as a means to address the marginalisation of pupils with profound disabilities who do not fit a set of definable “user characteristics”.
Digital Imagining workshops will provide opportunities to experiment with low cost Soma, Optic and Sonic sensors and microprocessors in order to create scenarios for exploring character, rhythm, performance; creating with colour, pattern and texture to build atmosphere; using lighting to create foreground, background, shadows, spot lights and using sound to generate ambience, mood, direction, voice, music, and effects.